Motion In One Dimension
Motion In Two Dimensions
Relative Motion
Newton's First Law
Newton's Second Law
Newton's Third Law
Statics Of Rigid Bodies
Applications Of Newton's Laws
Work And Energy
Linear Momentum And Collisions
Rotational Dynamics
Properties Of Matter
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Surface Tension
Statics Of Fluids
Dynamics Of Fluids
Oscillations And Waves
Oscillations And Waves
Wave Motion
Sound Reproduction
Thermal Properties Of Matter
Heat And The First Law
Change Of State
Kinetic Theory
Gas Laws
Entropy And The Second Law
Electricity And Magnetism
Electricity And Magnetism
Electric Fields And Potential
Electromotive Force And Current
DC Circuits
Magnetic Materials
Magnetic Fields And Forces
Electromagnetic Induction
AC Circuits
Semiconductors And Tubes
Electromagnetic Radiation
Geometrical Optics
The Eye
Modern Optics
Quantum Effects
Atomic Physics
Nuclear Physics
Planetary Astronomy
Stellar Astronomy
Astronomy Teaching Techniques
Support Systems/facility
1A10.00 - Basic Units
1A10.20 - Standards of Mass
1A10.30 - Standard Metric System
1A10.52 - Bean Count Estimation
1A20.00 - Error And Accuracy
1A30.00 - Coordinate Systems
1A30.10 - Blackboard Vectors
1A40.00 - Vectors
1A40.10 - Coordinate System
1A50.00 - Math Topics
1A60.00 - Scaling
1A70.00 - Uniform Acceleration
Motion In One Dimension
1C10.00 - Velocity
1C10.10 - PASCO Cart on Brown Paper
1C10.20 - PASCO cart with constant velocity and accelerated motion
1C10.21 - Terminal Velocity of a Surface
1C20.00 - Uniform Acceleration
1C20.10 - Feather and Penny
1C20.10 - Feather and Penny with Vacuum
1C20.10 - Paper and Lacrosse Ball
1C20.10 - Styrofoam and Lead Balls
1C20.20 - Can with Nuts
1C20.37 - Bowling Ball on Incline
1C30.00 - Measuring G
1C30.55 - Catch a Ruler
Motion In Two Dimensions
1D40.00 - Motion Of The Center Of Mass
1D40.10 - Center of Mass: Beach Ball
1D40.10 - Center of Mass: Couple System
1D40.10 - Center of Mass of an Odd Shape
1D40.10 - Center of Mass of Thrown Objects
1D40.10 - Center of Mass: New Jersey
1D40.10 - Center of Mass: Tennis Ball
1D40.10 - Motion of Center of Mass
1D40.14 - 2 Ball System
1D40.56 - Center of Mass in an Explosion
1D40.71 - Rolling Uphill
1D60.00 - Projectile Motion
1D60.10 - Uphill Incline Howitzer Cart
1D60.10 - Downhill Incline Howitzer Cart
1D60.10 - Accelerated Howitzer Cart
1D60.10 - Constant Velocity Howitzer Cart
1D60.20 - Double Cube Drop
1D60.30 - Monkey and Hunter
1D60.30 - Pasco Monkey and Hunter
1D60.40 - Projectile Across the Room
1D50.00 - Central Forces
1D50.10 - Pumpkin on a String
1D50.20 - Whirligig
1D50.40 - Bucket of Water
1D50.40 - Greek Waiter's Tray
1D50.70 - Spinning Chain
1D55.00 - Centrifugal Escape
1D55.10 - Cut Ring and Ball
1D55.31 - Forces on Uniform Circular Motion with Lazy Susan and Flags
1D52.00 - Deformation Of Central Forces
1D52.10 - Flattening Earth
1D15.00 - Velocity, Position, And Acceleration
1D15.50 - Brachistochrone/Tautochrone
1D10.00 - Displacement In Two Dimensions
Relative Motion
1E20.00 - Rotating Reference Frames
1E20.10 - Focaults Pendulum
1E30.00 - Coriolis Effect
1E30.30 - Coriolis Force (Part 1)
1E30.30 - Coriolis Effect (Part 2)
1E10.00 - Moving Reference Frames
Newton's First Law
1F20.00 - Inertia Of Rest
1F20.00 - Newton's 1st Law - The Law of Inertia
1F20.10 - Inertia Balls
1F20.11 - Bowling Ball on String
1F20.14 - Toilet Paper
1F20.20 - Smash Your Hand
1F20.30 - Tablecloth and Dishes
1F30.00 - Inertia Of Motion
1F30.10 - Persistence of Motion (Air Track and Glider)
1F30.11 - Kick dis Puck
1F30.50 - Pencil gun and Plywood
1F10.00 - Measuring Inertia
Newton's Second Law
1G10.00 - Force, Mass, And Acceleration
1G10.00 - Ping Pong Cannon
1G10.45 - Atwood Machine
1G10.53 - Sponge Wood and Lead Bricks
1G20.00 - Accelerated Reference Frames
1G20.10 - Candle in a Bottle
1G20.75 - Balloon / Apple Cart (Accelerometer)
1G30.00 - Complex Systems
Newton's Third Law
1H10.00 - Action And Reaction
1H10.20 - Fan Cart with Sail
1H10.25 - Fire Extinguisher Cart
1H10.40 - Roller Skate Rocket
1H11.00 - Recoil
1H11.30 - Liquid Nitrogen Cannon
1H11.35 - Ping Pong Ball Explosion
Statics Of Rigid Bodies
1J40.00 - Static Torque
1J40.10 - Torque Stick
1J40.10 - Metal Torque Handle Demo
1J40.20 - Lifted By Torque
1J40.20 - Torque Beam
1J40.20 - Meter Stick Balance
1J40.30 - Rolling With Torque
1J11.00 - Exceeding Center Of Gravity
1J11.10 - Leaning Tower of Pisa
1J11.20 - Tower of Lire
1J10.00 - Finding Center Of Gravity
1J10.09 - Blocks On Threaded Rod
1J10.12 - Irregular Object Center of Mass
1J10.25 - Center of Gravity of a Broom
1J20.00 - Stable, Unstable And Neutral Equilibrium
1J20.00 - Equilibrium
1J20.60 - Wine Butler
1J20.70 - Double Cone/Rolling Uphill
1J30.00 - Resolution Of Forces
1J30.10 - Newton's Balance
1J30.25 - Linear Forces on a Rope
1J30.50 - Force Triangles
Applications Of Newton's Laws
1K30.00 - Pressure
1K30.10 - Bed of Nails
1K20.00 - Friction
1K20.10 - Friction block down incline
1K20.11 - Friction Car Battle
1K20.12 - Static vs Kinetic Friction
1K20.30 - Rolling vs Sliding
1K20.38 - Tribometer
1K10.00 - Dynamic Torque
1K10.20 - Ladder Model
1L10.00 - Universal Gravitational Constant
1L10.20 - Cavendish Balance Model
1L20.00 - Orbits
1L20.10 - Bending Spacetime
Work And Energy
1M40.00 - Conservation Of Energy
1M40.10 - Potential vs Kinetic Energy
1M40.15 - Stopped Pendulum
1M40.20 - Loop the loop
1M40.33 - Energy Ball Track
1M40.41 - Ballistic Pendulum
1M40.64 - Dart Gun
1M20.00 - Simple Machines
1M20.10 - Pulley System
1M10.00 - Work
1M10.10 - Work on a Box
1M10.20 - Work On a Soda Can
1M30.00 - Non Conservational Forces
1M30.10 - Momentum collision Track
1M50.00 - Mechanical Power
Linear Momentum And Collisions
1N22.00 - Rockets
1N22.10 - Fire Extinguisher Cart
1N22.20 - Water Rocket
1N22.35 - Bottle Rocket
1N30.00 - Collisions In One Dimensions
1N30. -
1N30.10 - Newton's Cradle
1N30.50 - Impulse Balls
1N30.60 - Basketball, Tennis Ball (Double Ball Bounce)
1N40.00 - Impulse And Thrust
1N40.24 - 2-D Air Puck Collisions
1N10.00 - Impulse And Thrust
1N10.70 - Model Rocket Impulse
1N20.00 - Conservation Of Linear Momentum
1N21.00 - Mass And Momentum Transfer
Rotational Dynamics
1Q40.00 - Conservation Of Angular Momentum
1Q40.10 - Angular Momentum - Stool and Weights
1Q40.17 - Basketball on Rope
1Q40.22 - Hobermann's Sphere
1Q40.30 - Bike Wheel
1Q40.70 - Marbles and Funnel
1Q40.80 - Hero's Engine
1Q50.00 - Gyros
1Q50.20 - Gyroscope Bike Wheel Percession
1Q50.23 - Bike Wheel Percession
1Q50.23 - Hanging Bike Wheel Percession
1Q50.35 - Gyroscope in Gimbal
1Q50.45 - Air Bearing Gyro
1Q50.80 - Gyro Pendulum
1Q20.00 - Rotational Energy
1Q20.10 - Constant Acceleration of a Flywheel
1Q20.30 - Rolling Spool
1Q20.50 - Falling Chimney
1Q60.00 - Rotational Stability
1Q60.25 - Euler's Disk
1Q10.00 - Moment Of Inertia
1Q10.00 - Hula Hoops
1Q10.10 - Inertia Wands
1Q10.30 - Moment of Inertia (Shapes Down Incline)
1Q30.00 - Transfer Of Angular Momentum
Properties Of Matter
1R10.00 - Hooke's Law
1R20.00 - Tensile And Compressive Stress
1R50.00 - Crystal Structure
1R40.00 - Coefficient Of Restitution
1R40.30 - Dead and Alive Balls
1R30.00 - Shear Stress
1R30.10 - Friction Phone Book
No demos found in this category
Fluid Mechanics
Surface Tension
2A10.00 - Surface Tension
2A20.00 - Capillary Tubes
2A20.10 - Capillary Action
2A15.00 - Minimal Surface
2A15.10 - Ring and Thread
2A30.00 - Surface Tension Propulsion
Statics Of Fluids
2B35.00 - Measuring Pressure
2B35.10 - Mercury Barometer
2B35.15 - Barometer in Vacuum
2B40.00 - Density And Buoyancy
2B40.11 - Weight in Water
2B40.11 - Why Ships Float
2B40.15 - Fingering out Buoyancy
2B40.20 - Archimedes Principle
2B40.29 - Rock in Boat - Buoyancy puzzle s
2B40.30 - Cartesian Diver
2B40.57 - Sinking and Floating Cans
2B40.59 - Sinking and Floating Objects
2B40.61 - Why Objects Sink and Float
2B40.85 - Different Sized Density Balls
2B20.00 - Static Pressure
2B20.40 - Pascal's Vase
2B20.53 - Squeeze Flask
2B20.60 - Hydraulic Press
2B30.00 - Atmospheric Pressure
2B30.10 - Crush Can With Heat
2B30.20 - Crush Drum
2B30.30 - Magdeburg Hemispheres
2B30.45 - Inverted Glass
2B30.50 - Lifting Rubber Sheet
2B30.70 - Ping Pong Cannon
2B30.70 - Ping Pong Cannon (slo mo)
2B60.00 - Siphons, Fountains, Pumps
Dynamics Of Fluids
2C60.00 - Non Newtonian Fluids
2C40.00 - Dynamics Of Fluids
2C40.10 - Streamline Flow
2C20.00 - Forces In Moving Fluids
2C20.07 - Bernoulli Tubes
2C20.27 - Venturi Tubes
2C20.30 - Floating Balls
2C20.31 - Sinking and Floating Objects
2C20.35 - Ball in Funnel
2C20.45 - Blowing Air Between Bulbs
2C20.65 - Curved Balls
2C20.72 - Bernoulli Cups
2C10.00 - Flow Rate
2C10.10 - Velocity of Efflux
2C30.00 - Viscosity
2C30.30 - Floating Balls
2C30.50 - Terminal Velocity in Fluids
2C30.65 - Terminal Velocity Coffee Filters
2C50.00 - Vortices
2C50.20 - Smoke Ring Cannon
2C50.30 - 3 Litre Assembled Tornado Tube
Oscillations And Waves
3A10.00 - Pendula
3A40.00 - Simple Harmonic Motion
3A40.00 - Simple Harmonic Motion
3A75.00 - Normal Modes
3A80.00 - Lissajous Figures
3A20.00 - Springs & Oscillators
3A20.50 - Oscillating Chain
3A60.00 - Driven Mechanical Resonance
3A60.00 - Resonance of a Mechanical System
3A60.43 - Driven Spring Weight
3A60.56 - Galvanometer with Coil
3A70.00 - Coupled Oscillations
3A70.10 - Wilberfoce Pendulum
3A70.27 - Spring Coupled Pendula
3A15.00 - Physical Pendula
3A15.50 - Aluminum Baseball Bat Sweet Spot
3A50.00 - Damped Oscillators
3A50.00 - Damped Oscillators
3A50.40 - Constructive and Destructive Interference
3A50.60 - Miscellaneous Tuning Forks and Hammer
3A95.00 - Non-linear Systems
3A95.50 - Chaos Pendulums
Wave Motion
3B27.00 - Compound Waves
3B30.00 - Wave Properties Of Sound
3B30.30 - Bell in a Vacuum
3B33.00 - Phase And Group Velocity
3B35.00 - Reflection And Refraction
3B39.00 - Transfer Of Energy In Waves
3B45.00 - Shock Waves
3B60.00 - Beats
3B60. -
3B60.10/20 - Beats
3B70.00 - Coupled Resonators
3B10.00 - Transverse Pulses And Waves
3B10. -
3B10.10 - Pulse on a Rope
3B10.20 - Longitudinal Wave with Slinky
3B10.20 - Transverse Wave with Slinky
3B22.00 - Standing Waves
3B22.10 - Standing Wave with Rope Across the Room
3B22.14 - Wire Standing Waves
3B22.35 - Longitudinal Wave Box
3B22.35 - Transverse Wave Box
3B50.00 - Interference And Diffraction
3B50.40 - Moiré Patterns
3B25.00 - Impedance And Waves
3B20.00 - Longitudinal Pulses And Waves
3B40.00 - Doppler Effect
3B40. -
3B40.10 - Doppler Ball
3B40.10 - Doppler Buzzer
3B40.20 - Doppler Effect
3B55.00 - Interference And Diffraction Of Sound
3B55.10 - Two Speaker Interference
3B55.40 - Quincke's Tube
3C10.00 - The Ear
3C40.00 - Architectural Acoustics
3C55.00 - Music Perception And The Voice
3C30.00 - Intensity And Attenuation
3C30.21 - Decibel-o-meter
3C20.00 - Pitch
3C20.30 - Seebeck's Siren
3C50.00 - Wave Analysis And Synthesis
3C50.10 - Pasco Fourier synthesizer
3D20.00 - Resonance In Strings
3D22.00 - Stringed Instruments
3D46.00 - Tuning Forks
3D50.00 - Electronic Instruments
3D40.00 - Resonance In Plates, Bars, Solids
3D40.00 - Simple Harmonic Motion
3D40.10 - Xylophone Bars
3D40.20 - Singing Rod
3D40.50 - Resonance of a Wine Glass
3D40.51 - Resonance Chinese Bowl
3D40.55 - Breaking Glass with Sound
3D30.00 - Resonance Cavities
3D30.40 - Helmholtz Resonator
3D30.50 - Ruben's/Flame Tube
3D30.60 - Kundt's Tube
3D30.70 - Hoot Tube
3D32.00 - Air Column Instruments
3D32.15 - Slide Whistle
3D32.30 - Whistles
Sound Reproduction
3E10.00 - Audio Systems
3E20.00 - Loudspeakers
3E30 .00 - Microphones
3E40.00 - Amplifiers
3E60.00 - Recorders
3E80.00 - Digital System
Thermal Properties Of Matter
4A20.00 - Liquid Expansion
4A50.00 - Liquid Helium
4A30.00 - Solid Expansion
4A30.10 - Bimetallic Strip
4A30.15 - Coil Wire Thermostat
4A30.20 - Ball And Ring
4A30.55 - Expanding Metal Bar
4A40.00 - Properties Of Materials At Low Temperature
4A40.10 - Lead Bell
4A40.10 - Specific Heat/Lead Ball, Solder Spring
4A10.00 - Thermometry
4A10.10 - Measuring Temperature
4A10.30 - Thermocouple
Heat And The First Law
4B10.00 - Heat Capacity And Specific Heat
4B30.00 - Conduction
4B30.10 - Boil Water By Cooling
4B30.10 - Crush Can With Heat
4B30.12 - Thermal Conductivity
4B20.00 - Convection
4B20.10 - Convection in Gases
4B20.20 - 2 Chimney Convection Box
4B20.21 - Convection with Stainless Steel Tube
4B40.00 - Radiation
4B40.10 - Light The Match
4B40.40 - Two can Radiation
4B60.00 - Mechanical Equivalent Of Heat
4B60.10 - Thermal Increase Through Impact (Hammer on Wood)
4B60.70 - Cork Popper
4B60.75 - Thermal Increase Due to Friction
4B70.00 - Adiabatic Processes
4B70.10 - Fire Syringe
4B70.25 - Adiabatic Cooling
4B70.30 - Adiabatic Heating
4B50.00 - Heat Transfer Applications
4B50.20 - Boil Water in Paper Cup
4B50.60 - Greenhouse Effect Part 1
4B50.60 - Greenhouse Effect Part 2
Change Of State
4C10.00 - PVT Surfaces
4C32.00 - Dew Point And Humidity
4C40.00 - Sublimation
4C40.10 - Boil Water in a Vaccum
4C45.00 - Phase Changes: Solid-Solid
4C50.00 - Critical Point
4C30.00 - Phase Changes Liquid-Gas
4C30.10 - Boiling by Cooling
4C30.15 - Water in Bell Jar
4C30.26 - Ln2 Cannon
4C30.28 - Ping Pong Ball Explosion
4C20.00 - Phase Changes Liquid-Solid
4C20.20 - Ice Bomb
4C31.00 - Cooling By Evaporation
4C31.30 - Drinking Bird
4C33.00 - Vapor Pressure
4C33.50 - Pulse Glass
Kinetic Theory
4D10.00 - Brownian Motion
4D30.00 - Kinetic Motion
4D30.10 - Kinetic Theory
4D40.00 - Molecular Dimensions
4D50.00 - Diffusion & Osmosis
4D20.00 - Mean Free Path
4D20.10 - Radiometer
Gas Laws
4E30.00 - Constant Volume
4E20.00 - Constant Temperature
4E20.15 - Boyle's and Charles' Law
4E20.40 - Balloon In Bell Jar
4E10.00 - Constant Pressure
4E10.20 - Thermal Pressure with Helium Balloon
4E10.20 - He Balloon in LN2
Entropy And The Second Law
4F30.00 - Heat Cycles
4F30.10 - Sterling Engines
4F30.20 - Carnot Model
4F10.00 - Entropy
4F10.10 - Unmixing
4F10.25 - Entropy Discussion
Electricity And Magnetism
5A20.00 - Coulomb's Law
5A22.00 - Electrostatic Meters
5A30.00 - Conductors And Insulators
5A10.00 - Producing Static Charge
5A10.10 - Interaction of Two Charges
5A10.10 - Negatively Charged Rod and Grounded Metal Rod
5A10.10 - Negatively Charged Rod and Grounded Wooden Rod
5A10.10 - Substantial Forces of Electrostatic Charge (Large 2x4 Wood)
5A40.00 - Induced Charge
5A40.30 - Substantial Forces of Electrostatic Charge (Large 2x4 Wood)
5A50.00 - Electrostatic Machines
5A50.30 - Van De Graaff and Hair
5A50.30 - Van De Graaff and Pie Plates
5A50.30 - Van De Graaff and Vermiculite
5A50.30 - Van De Graaff Charge
Electric Fields And Potential
5B10.00 - Electric Field
5B30.00 - Electrostatic Potential
5B30.21 - Electric Potential Model
5B20.00 - Gauss' Law
5B20.30 - Human Faraday Cage
5B20.30 - Phone Faraday Cage
5B20.35 - Radio and Faraday Cage
5C20.00 - Dielectric
5C10.00 - Capacitors
5C10.20 - Parallel Plate Capacitor Varying D
5C10.50 - Electrostatic Energy Between Capacitor Plates
5C30.00 - Energy Stored In A Capacitor
5C30.00 - Mechanical vs Electrical Energy in a Capacitor
5C30.20 - Energy Released from a Capacitor
5C30.38 - Hand Crack Generator and Capacitor
5D40.00 - Conduction In Gases
5D10.00 - Resistance Characteristicss
5D10.40 - Resistor Model
5D10.60 - Burn a Resistor
5D30.00 - Conduction In Solutions
5D30.10 - Current in Water
5D30.30 - Pickle Light
5D20.00 - Resistivity And Temperature
5D20.12 - Resistance vs Temperature
Electromotive Force And Current
5E20.00 - Electrolysis
5E30.00 - Plating
5E50.00 - Thermoelectricity
5E60.00 - Piezoelectricity
5E40.00 - Cells And Batteries
5E40.18 - Battery Model
5E40.25 - Lemon Battery
DC Circuits
5F10.00 - Ohm's Law
5F10.10 - Series vs Parallel (DC Circuit)
5F15.00 - Power And Energy
5F40.00 - Instruments
5F20.00 - Circuit Analysis
5F20.65 - Capacitance - Series vs Parallel
5F30.00 - RC Circuits
5F30.15 - Time constant of an RC Circuit
Magnetic Materials
5G10.00 - Magnets
5G30.00 - Paramagnetism And Diamagnetism
5G30.20 - Paramagnetism of Liquid Oxygen
5G30.25 - Paramagnetism of CuSO4 and Bi
5G40.00 - Hysteresis
5G45.00 - Magnetostriction And Magnetoresistance
5G20.00 - Magnet Domains & Magnetization
5G20.70 - Electromagnet
5G50.00 - Temperature And Magnetism
5G50.14 - Curie Temperature with Metal
5G50.50 - Superconductivity
Magnetic Fields And Forces
5H10.00 - Magnetic Fields
5H20.00 - Forces On Magnets
5H30.00 - Forces On Moving Charges
5H30.10 - CRT and Magnet
5H30.25 - Aurora and Van Allen Belts
5H40.00 - Force On Current In Wires
5H40.10 - Large Power Bank : Parallel Wire (Attraction)
5H40.10 - Large Power Bank : Parallel Wire (Repulsion)
5H40.11 - Large Power Bank Poles
5H40.30 - Jumping Wire
5H40.30 - Magnetic Field Around Horseshoe Magnet
5H40.39 - Ampere's Motor
5H25.00 - Magnet/Electromagnet Interactions
5H25.10 - Magnetic Field Around Loop
5H15.00 - Fields And Currents
5H15.10 - Magnetic Field Around Simple Magnet
5H15.10 - Magnetic Field Around Single Wire
5H15.40 - Magnetic Field Around Solenoid and Toroid
5H50.00 - Torques On Coils
5H50.20 - Torque Current (Display)
5H50.20 - Torque Current Model (with arrow)
5H50.20 - Torque Current Model (without arrow)
5J10.00 - Self Inductance
5J10.20 - Back EMF
5J30.00 - RLC Circuits - DC
5J30.10 - Energy Exchange in an LRC Circuit
5J30.11 - Critical/Over/Under Dampening of an LRC Circuit
5J20.00 - LR Circuits
5J20.20 - Energy of an Inductor
5J20.20 - Series vs Parallel (AC Circuit)
5J20.20 - Series vs Parallel (AC Circuit) - Different Bulbs
5J20.20 - Series vs Parallel (DC Circuit)
5J20.26 - LR Decay
Electromagnetic Induction
5K10.00 - Induced Currents And Forces
5K10.20 - Galvanometer with Coil and Power Supply
5K10.21 - Relativity w/ Magnet and Coil
5K10.30 - Mutual Induction
5K10.30 - Mutual Induction with Oscilloscope
5K20.00 - Eddy Currents
5K20.12 - Eddy Current Disks Down Incline
5K20.24 - Large Copper Penny
5K20.25 - Copper Ramp and Magnet
5K20.25 - Magnet and Copper Tube
5K20.30 - Ring Flinger
5K20.34 - Eddy current - Floating Coil
5K20.40 - Eddy Current Pendulum
5K20.40 - Eddy Current in Rotating Disc
5K20.65 - Can Crusher
5K40.00 - Motors And Generators
5K40.80 - Hand Crank Generator and Capacitor
5K30.00 - Transformers
5K30.30 - Ring Flinger Transformer
AC Circuits
5L10.00 - Impedance
5L30.00 - Filters And Rectifiers
5L20.00 - LRC Circuits - AC
5L20.10 - LRC Circuit
Semiconductors And Tubes
5M10.00 - Semiconductors
5M20.00 - Tubes
Electromagnetic Radiation
5N10.00 - Transmission Lines And Antennas
5N10.57 - Microwave with Marshmallows
5N10.60 - E vs B Waves Device
5N10.80 - E vs B Waves Model
5N20.00 - Tesla Coil
5N20.30 - Small Tesla Coil with Light Bulbs
5N30.00 - Electromagnetic Spectrum
5N30.10 - Looking at the Sky w/ the Whole Spectrum
5N30.10 - Rainbow from a Prism
5N30.45 - FLIR Camera Part 1
5N30.45 - FLIR Camera Part 2
Geometrical Optics
6A01.00 - Speed Of Light
6A01.39 - Microwave with Marshmallows
6A02.00 - Straight Line Propagation
6A42.00 - Refraction At Flat Surfaces
6A46.00 - Rainbow
6A60.00 - Thin Lens
6A60.35 - Image of a Lens
6A61.00 - Pinhole
6A65.00 - Thick Lens
6A70.00 - Optical Instruments
6A70.10 - Telescope
6A20.00 - Reflection From Curved Surfaces
6A20.10 - Blackboard Optics
6A20.35 - Mirage Image
6A20.37 - Images from a Concave Mirror
6A20.45 - Large Convex and Concave Mirrors
6A20.45 - Half Concave Mirror
6A44.00 - Total Internal Reflection
6A44. -
6A44.40 - Fiber Optics Light Pipes
6A44.68 - Total Internal Reflection
6A40.00 - Refractive Index
6A40.30 - Snell's Law: Index of Refraction
6A10.00 - Reflection From Flat Surfaces
6A10. -
6A10.10 - Blackboard Optics
6A10.30 - Corner Cube
6A10.50 - Large Flat mirror
6A10.60 - Virtual Image
6B10.00 - Luminosity
6B30.00 - Radiation Pressure
6B40.00 - Blackbodies
6B40.10 - Temperature of Single Filament Bulb
6B40.20 - Blackbody Radiation - What's the Darkest Color?
6B40.55 - Blackbody Radiation - Color vs Temperature
6B40.65 - Temperature Current of Light Bulb
6C20.00 - Diffraction Around Objects
6C20.45 - Fresnel Lens with Microwave
6C10.00 - Diffraction Through One Slit
6C10.15 - Single Slit Diffraction - Adjustable Slit
6D15.00 - Interference Of Polarized Light
6D30.00 - Thin Films
6D30.10 - Newton's Rings
6D30.20 - Soap Film Interference
6D40.00 - Interferometers
6D40.10 - Michelson-Morley Experiment
6D20.00 - Gratings
6D20.20 - Diffraction Gratings w/ Laser Gun
6D10.00 - Interference From 2 Sources
6D10. -
6D10.10 - Double Slit Experiment
6D10.10 - Double Slit Experiment with Cornell Plates
6D10.20 - Microwave Interference w/ Double Slit
6F10.00 - Synthesis And Analysis Of Color
6F30.00 - Dispersion
6F40.00 - Scattering
6F40.10 - Why is the Sky Blue?
6H20.00 - Polarization By Reflection
6H30.00 - Circular Polarization
6H35.00 - Birefringence
6H50.00 - Polarization By Scattering
6H10.00 - Dichroic Polarization
6H10.20 - Polarization w/ Microwaves
The Eye
6J10.00 - The Eye
6J11.00 - Physiology
Modern Optics
6Q10.00 - Holography
6Q10.10 - Phase Hologram
6Q20.00 - Physical Optics
6Q20.10 - Greenhouse Effect Part 1
6Q20.10 - Greenhouse Effect Part 2
Quantum Effects
7A15.00 - Millikan Oil Drop
7A20.00 - Compton Effect
7A50.00 - Wave Mechanics
7A55.00 - Particle/Wave Duality
7A60.00 - X-ray And Electron Diffraction
7A60.10 - Electron Diffraction
7A60.51 - Mircrowave Crystal Diffraction Model
7A70.00 - Condensed Matter
7A10.00 - Photoelectric Effect
7A10.10 - Photoelectric Effect
Atomic Physics
7B11.00 - Absorption
7B20.00 - Fine Splitting
7B30.00 - Ionization Potential
7B35.00 - Electron Properties
7B50.00 - Atomic Models
7B10.00 - Spectra
7B10.10 - Diffraction and Atomic Spectra
7B10.10 - Changing Spectrum of a Single Filament Bulb (with narration)
7B10.10 - Changing Spectrum of a Single Filament Bulb (no narration)
7B13.00 - Resonance Radiation
7B13.50 - Phosphorescent Sheet
Nuclear Physics
7D20.00 - Nuclear Reactions
7D40.00 - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
7D50.00 - Models Of The Nucleus
7D30.00 - Particle Detectors
7D30.60 - Cosmic Ray Chamber
7D30.72 - Particle Collider Model
7D10.00 - Radioactivity
7D10.00 - Alpha, Beta, Gamma Sources
7D10.10 - Radiation Detective
7D10.20 - Half Life with Computer
7D10.20 - Half Life with Dice
7F20.00 - General Relativity
7F10.00 - Special Relativity
7F10.00 - Relative Motion of an Individual's Speed on Earth
7F10.35 - Relativity w/ Magnet and Coil
7F10.35 - Galvanometer with Coil
7G10.00 - Laser Theory
7G20.00 - Laser Polarization And Intensity Fluctuations - Modes
7G30.00 - Wavelengths Of HeNe & Other Gas Lasers
7G40.00 - Laser Demonstrations
7G50.00 - Laser Construction
7G60.00 - Laser Safety
Planetary Astronomy
8A10.00 - Solar System Mechanics
8A10.05 - Formation of the Solar System through Angular Momentum
8A10.15 - Model of the Solar System
8A10.55 - Blackboard Optics
8A10.65 - Pulsar
8A70.00 - Planetary Properties - 4: Planetary Characteristics
8A70.25 - Why is the Sky Blue
8A70.40 - Greenhouse Effect Part 1
8A70.40 - Greenhouse Effect Part 2
8A70.40 - Greenhouse Effect Part 3
8A70.65 - Aurora and Van Allen Belts
8A70.81 - Cooling of a Hot Planet
8A05.00 - Historical Astronomy
8A05.40 - Kepler's First Law
8A05.40 - Kepler's Second Law
8A05.40 - Kepler's Third Law
8A20.00 - Earth - Moon Mechanics
8A20.05 - Temperature with Heat Lamps and Temp Probes (Part 1)
8A20.05 - Temperature with Heat Lamps and Temp Probes (Part 2)
8A20.05 - Seasons with Sun - Globe
8A20.10 - Spectra of changing single filament bulb (with narration)
8A20.11 - Spectra of changing single filament bulb (no narration)
8A20.15 - Phases of the Moon
8A20.30 - Eclipses
8A20.50 - Moon and Earth to Scale
8A30.00 - Views From Earth - 1
8A30.15 - Relative Motion of An Individual's Speed On Earth
8A30.40 - Greenhouse Effect Part 1
8A30.70 - Parallax
8A35.00 - Views From Earth - 2
8A40.00 - Planetary Properties - 1: Globes, Hemispheres, & Maps
8A50.00 - Planetary Properties - 2: The Planets
8A60.00 - Planetary Properties - 3: Planetoids, Minor Objects
8A80.00 - Planetary Properties - 5: Comets And Search For Life
Stellar Astronomy
8B30.00 - Stellar Evolution
8B30.51 - Crush Drum
8B30.52 - Thermal Pressure With Helium Balloon
8B50.00 - Stellar Miscellaneous
8B40.00 - Black Holes
8B40.30 - Bending Spacetime
8B40.40 - Gravity Well - Circular, Elliptical, and Escape Velocity
8B40.40 - Gravity Well
8B20.00 - Stellar Spectra
8B20.15 - Looking at the Sky with the Whole Spectra
8B20.20 - Doppler Effect in a Binary Star System
8B20.50 - Gravitational Waves
8B10.00 - Solar System Mechanics
8B10.40 - Convection
8B10.50 - Sun Spot
8B10.66 - Pulsar Simulation
8C10.00 - Cosmology
8C10.10 - Expansion of the Universe in 1D
8C10.20 - Cosmic Background Radiation
8C10.35 - Expansion of the Universe in 2D
8C10.45 - Hoberman Sphere
8C20.00 - Gravitational Effects
8C20.20 - Doppler Effect in Binary Star System
8C20.40 - Gravitational Lenses
8C20.50 - Gravitational Waves
8D10.00 - Miscellaneous Astronomy
8D20.00 - Telescopes
8D30.00 - Astronomical Instruments
Astronomy Teaching Techniques
8E30.00 - Techniques And Projects
Support Systems/facility
9A10.00 - Ice
9A10.10 - Normal Ice
9A10.20 - Dry Ice
9A20.00 - Water
9A20.10 - Distilled Water
9B10.00 - Camera
9B10.10 - Elmo Camera
9B10.20 - FLIR Camera
9C20.00 - Pumps
9C20.10 - Vacuum Pump
9C9C10.00.00 - Balls
9C10.00 - Balls
9C10.00 - Tennis Balls
9C10.00 - Medicine Ball
These demonstrations are provided only for illustrative use by persons affiliated with Rutgers University and only under the direction of a trained instructor or physicist. Rutgers University is not responsible for any demonstrations performed by those using their own or others equipment, or who choose to use this reference material for their own purpose. The demonstrations included here are within the public domain and can be found in materials contained in libraries, bookstores, and through electronic sources. Performing all or any portion of any of these demonstrations, with or without revisions not depicted here, entails inherent risks. These risks include, without limitation, bodily injury (and possibly death), risks to health that may be temporary or permanent and that may exacerbate a pre-existing medical condition, and property loss or damage. Anyone performing any part of these demonstrations, even with revisions, knowingly and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with them.